Journey into Happiness

Monday, 24 August 2020 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST

To Be Announced, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89145, United States

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Online Course Fee Partial Approval - $108.00

This course will be ONLINE from your own home. You will receive a unique registration code and LINK for the Zoom a day before the event.

sales ended

Repeat Participants Partial Approval - $49.00

If you have already attended a One Day Course

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Monday, 24 August 2020 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST


Journey into Happiness




Experience the ONE DAY COURSE from the comfort of your own home..
Those who have attended experienced an evolutionary shift with huge breakthroughs -- experiencing their ordinary life as extraordinary in new ways that do not fade.
The ancient and modern teachings given are imbued with "mystical processes" which will impact and transform your consciousness opening up deeper states of awakening and beyond.
* Calmer Mind
* Profound Inner Peace
* Spiritual Growth
* Transformation in Consciousness
* Improved Health and Loving Relationships
* Breakthroughs in Prosperity & Success
Join us to move beyond the mind's daydream and survival strategies to actualizing the highest reaches of your potential.
This program will be live-streamed from India simultaneously in over 40 locations across the United States and taught by an Awakened Guide.


  • "I feel an amazing joy in my head and in my heart and in my soul" KG Las Vegas 

  • "It was absolutely magical and eye opening" SR Las Vegas 

  • "My mind is very quiet" JN Idaho

  • "This course is pure magic! It will transform you, that's a garentee! I highly recommend it for absolutely everyone! MM Las Vegas 

  • "Insightful, Peaceful, Joyful" AH Las Vegas

  • Auspicious happenings that override conditioning and judgment to truly living in Presence.

  • Felt like a magic wand was waved and layers of suffocating patterns and mindsets disappeared.

Give yourself this Gift!
For questions and more direct info:
Debra Apsara
702-720-9013 text is fastest response. 
Monday August 24th 
8am -5:00pm 
The program will start promptly at 8:00am PST.
We will have an action-packed day of Teachings, Meditations, + Ancient Sacred Technologies for Awakening.
We will have bathroom/coffee breaks throughout the day, as well as a 60-minute lunch break.
See you all soon ??????????

Debra Apsara

Debra Apsara came onto this planet smiling, happy and with a deep connection to God. Her mother would often go into her room to see if she was sleeping and Debra would have her hands straight up in the air giggling and playing with something above her. Her mother said it was the Angels. Since 2006 Debra has been on a mission to help Awaken Humanity. Her passion is to have fun, expand, and truly live life affecting all those around her. She is dedicated to her own growth in consciousness, which brings her to India multiple times a year. She has been traveling to India for the past 10 years to learn from the great teacher’s Sri AmmaBhagavan the founders of Oneness University where she has attended over 20 courses and classes. Debra was Initiated in 2010 while at Oneness University to teach special courses and classes. Debra also works as a Registered Nurse for a wonderful company that specializes in helping those with illnesses that leave them very sick and often terminal. Her love of humanity and her Divine are the driving force in all she does.

Contact the Organizer